RTP180: Genetics
The science of genetics and the related boom of research in our region is astounding. In slating speakers for this topic, we found ourselves wanting more time to tell these stories; five minutes will only scrape the surface of the great work being done!
Join us on November 19 to hear from five experts on genetics from completely different angles of the industry. Topics will include newborn check screenings, genome editing, applications in developing worlds, and more! Come ready to learn, ask questions, and discover the innovations happening right in our backyard.
Janel Lape | Precision BioScience
Dr. Don Bailey | RTI International
Jocylin Pierro | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- RTP
Dr. Katie Barnill-Dilling | North Carolina State University
Sheron Branham | Biogen
About RTP180
Innovation. Education. Industry. These are powerful angles—and what Research Triangle Park is known for. At RTP180, speakers from our three founding universities, Park companies, and the community-at-large are called upon to take the stage to speak passionately about what matters to them. The twist? They must do it in 5 minutes or less!
Virtual doors open at 5:30 p.m. for the preshow slides. The show kicks off at 6:00 p.m., sharp.
The hashtag for this event is #RTP180. Get social with us by tagging @FrontierRTP.
Didn’t receive one of the 100 Zoom tickets? The event will be live-streamed here on Facebook beginning at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, November 19th.