Bee Downtown Hive Tour @ Frontier RTP
Did you know Frontier RTP has a partnership with Bee Downtown? You have probably driven past our hives many times without realizing all of the greatness inside. In the past, some of that greatness has been turned into a honey beer by our friends at Bombshell Beer Company, Neuse River Brewing, Fullsteam RTP and mead from Honeygirl Meadery.
Want to get a closer look at the bees who make it all possible? Join us May 12th to learn more about our hives, the bees, and beekeeping in general from the experts at Bee Downtown. We will start out at the blue picnic tables in front of 600 Park Offices Drive and chat over a quick bite to eat. Then, we will get a tour of the hives from our very own beekeeper. A light lunch will be provided, but please bring your own water bottle for the tour.
Fine Print: You must wear closed-toe shoes. Long pants and long sleeve shirts are recommended, but not required. We will provide everyone with bee suits and gloves … safety first! We strongly encourage folks to bring a water bottle for the tour; it may get hot out there!
600 Park Offices Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709