Published Author Category Frontier RTP

One of the many unique features of the collaborative community space at The Frontier is that we allow tenants and squatters to bring their dogs to work! Many of the Research Triangle Foundation staff are passionate about animal rescue, and we enjoy hearing all of the stories about dogs who come through the building. As we have become more known in the community, we have gained more regular pup-commuters. Here are a few of them!

Sophie, Age 15 months


Owner: Tristan Green of Triangle Ultimate

Sophie was rescued from Orange County Animal Shelter. She is a chill lap dog who loves people and other dogs. She enjoys chewing on things and chasing her frisbee.

How has being able to bring your pup to The Frontier changed your working experience?

“It has made work more of a social experience. It really gives me more of a sense of work community.”

What should others know about bringing their pups to The Frontier?

“The Frontier is a great place for social dogs, just be sure to keep them off of the furniture!”

Stella, Age 6


Owner: Justin Plant of Storyboard Media

Stella was rescued from Chapel Hill Animal Shelter. She has a special floppy ear and loves eating, belly rubs, and “squirrel elimination.”

-What do you love about your dog?

“Her unconditional love for me.”

-How has being able to bring your pup to The Frontier changed your working experience?

“I had to bring her in after a minor injury. She was on pain killers and it made me feel better to have her nearby to make sure she was doing ok. Also, it’s a convenience that so many places don’t really provide!”

-What should others know about bringing their pups to The Frontier?

“I’ve seen so many well-behaved dogs at The Frontier, and I’ve seen so many dog lovers. It’s a great combo.”

Marconi (aka, Miss M, Miss Muddypaws, Queen of Sheba, Your Highness), Age 6


Owner: Rose Hoban of North Carolina Health News

Marconi was rescued from Orange County Animal Shelter about 3 years ago. Her favorite activities include taking long walks on the beach, looking deep into your eyes as you rub her belly, napping on her favorite chair, copyediting NC Health News and, of course, eating.

-What do you love about your dog?

“Um, everything!”

-How has being able to bring your pup to The Frontier changed your working experience?

“I like having her around and she likes to be around people. If she’s not at work with my husband, she’s with me. Before now, that meant I was pretty much stuck in the house. But being able to bring her along to The Frontier opens up my workday possibilities, so I really appreciate the relaxed policy around workplace pets here.”

-What should others know about bringing their pups to The Frontier?

“Bring a leash. She’s on hers most of the day, and she’s VERY personable, a flirt; we say she’s ‘a lover, not a fighter.’ At his job, my husband has to keep her restrained to his cubical, so it’s nice that she can roam here. I also bring along a soft travel kennel so she has a place to nap that’s out of the way. She’ll end up spending about half her day in there.”

Zoey, Age 2


Owner: Zack Rubin of US2020 RTP

Zoey was also rescued from Orange County Animal Shelter. In her spare time, Zoey enjoys running, sleeping, getting pet, and reading poetry.

-What do you love about your dog?

“Literally everything!”

-How has being able to bring your pup to The Frontier changed your working experience?

“Bringing her to The Frontier has really helped with her separation anxiety. Bringing her to work is great!”

Ellie, Age 2

Ellie (2)

Owner: Keith Everett of Hines

Ellie was recently adopted from Neuse River Golden Retriever Rescue. She enjoys going for walks and playing with her stuffed animals.

-What do you love about your dog?

“Her shyness.”

-How has being able to bring your pup to The Frontier changed your working experience?

“It has really made it more relaxing for me.”

-What should others know about bringing their pups to The Frontier?

“Just make sure that they are friendly with people and other dogs!”

Wish you had a dog to bring to The Frontier? Join us for our monthly Pups and Trucks event. During the Food Truck Rodeo from 11:30AM-1:30PM, Pawfect Match Rescue will be present with some of their available dogs and information about adoption. We hope to get as many pups matched with forever homes as possible! Upcoming dates include Friday April 29, 2016 and Friday May 13, 2016.