A few tips from someone who has been a remote worker for 6 days.
I’ve always been intrigued by working from home. The events industry has a strong in-person aspect, so I only get an opportunity to do it here and there. On the days I was able to be remote, I found myself to be incredibly productive, thriving in the change of scenery. Part of me always had wished I could incorporate this workstyle into my weekly routine …
Well, here I am on Day 6 of being thrown into the nation-wide pool we now know as social distancing. When it was announced that we would be closing the office for a minimum of two weeks and canceling events and programming for eight, I knew it was time to quickly adapt. Getting into a routine and a healthy mindset has gotten, and will continue to get, me through this uncertain time. I am by no means an expert or a mental health professional. As a 9-to-5er with little to no previous experience with this lifestyle, I wanted to share the 5 things that have helped me start this journey on the right foot.
- CLAIM YOUR SPACE | And no, I don’t mean your couch. For me, I have a high countertop ledge bordering my kitchen. On a normal day this spot in my home goes unused. Now it has a whole new meaning in my eyes: It’s my work zone! I have all my essentials there, as if I were in the office. Selecting this location also challenges me to stand while working, which I have also found helpful to stay focused.
- LOOK FORWARD | Being an event industry professional I have always been in the habit of looking forward in terms of my schedule and planning ahead, sometimes months at a time. Before getting my work day started I look at all the action items that need to be completed during the day, the virtual meetings I need to attend, and the projects I need to start so I can map out what the day will look like. Being able to set a schedule and having control of what comes next (in a time where we don’t have much control of what is happening) has been comforting.
- LEAN INTO DISTRACTIONS | Combining all your different jobs at home and your jobs at work is just plain hard. Whether its your kids, spouse, pets, or chores, this new situation comes with a whole new set of distractions. Don’t get discouraged or frustrated. We have to accept that our pace may be a bit different in this type of environment. Stay present and don’t shut out the “distractions” completely.
- YOU TIME | Mental health is so very important right now. Sitting alone within these four walls staring at a computer screen can get repetitive and you can easily loose a sense of yourself. This goes back to “LOOK FORWARD”, but plan in some time for you throughout the day. This may mean getting started earlier than 9am and working past 5pm, but include something that makes you happy. Work for an hour, then take 10 minutes to put on a facemask. Work for 45 minutes, then add a couple more pieces to that puzzle you just got started. Breaking up the repetition will make the day go by faster and promote productivity overall.
- KEEP MOVING | Go outside for a walk. Take a virtual fitness class. Run up and down the stairs a few times. Release those endorphins and help keep your mind sharp by staying active.