Published Author Category Frontier RTP

I rarely shop in an actual store these days, online shopping is where it is at! Why would I get in my car and drive store to store when everything I need is right on the internet? Both these factors contribute to why I really love The Mistletoe Market. We bring all the products to one place (no bopping around in the car) and I am able to scope out my purchases beforehand on their websites. When going to a shopping event like this, it is always good to have a plan of attack!

If you didn’t already have plenty of reasons to join us on December 14th (4pm-7pm),  we now have one more— entertainment! Plan to get here around 4:45pm and enjoy some festive ballads provided by North Carolina State’s Ladies in Red. You may know some of the songs, so feel free to sing along!             

Company: Heather Leigh Designs
Mastermind: Heather Baldwin

Q: Give me an elevator pitch about your business.
A:   I make unique handcrafted jewelry, clock and metal sculptures out of copper and aluminum.  A large majority of my copper is reclaimed.  All items are wonderful statement pieces for you or your home.

Q: Is this your full time gig or a side hustle?
A:  This is my full time job!

Q: Are you a one (wo)man show, or do you have employees?
A: it is just me, myself, and I!



Company:  ParMar Media
Mastermind: Jeff Wilson

Q: Are you a one (wo)man show, or do you have employees?
A:  We are a family operated business. Myself and my wife are the primary contributors and we occasionally enlist our son to help :-).

Q: What is your celebratory dance move when you do something great?
A: Will Ferrell’s Frank the Tank from the movie Old School!

Q: Where do you draw inspiration from?
A: The inspiration for the maps mainly comes from things that I see and places that I have been/want to go to.  Another big thing that drives me is that ever since I can remember I would see something (shirt, poster, art, etc.) and really like it, but the colors would be terrible (IMO) so I wouldn’t purchase it. 



Company: b-cycled artwork
Mastermind: Bonnie Walker

Q: Where do you draw inspiration from?
A: The feel-good feeling I get for keeping something from trashing up the earth. And the fun I have making something cool or unexpected out of trashed materials. It’s a win-win for me.

Q: How did you come up with the idea for your business?
A: I lost my job last year and decided to give my passion a go. I am a devoted recycler, trying my best to do my part. I wanted to make art out of things that would fill-up our land fields, so I repurpose everything I can re-imagine. I’ve always wanted to make 3-D artwork from metals or mixed-media so I added welding alongside my wood, paints and drawing pencils.